Happy Beltane! Your guide to observances and Beltane in popular culture

Happy Beltane! John Collier's Queen Quinevere's maying (1900)   Tonight at sundown begins Beltane (also spelled Beltain, Bealtaine, Bealltainn, Boaltinn, and Boaldyn), a Gaelic holiday marking the beginning of summer (which in the Gaelic calendar takes place at the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice). Historically it was observed throughout the British Isles. … Continue reading Happy Beltane! Your guide to observances and Beltane in popular culture

Walpurgis Night

Tonight is Walpurgis Night. Saint Walpurga was, supposedly, an 8th century nun whose relics were transferred on April 30th and her name was given to the holiday. As frequently happened during Christianity's spread across Europe, this was merely an instance of co-opting and Christianizing a much older holiday. Before Saint Walpurga was dreamed up, 30 April was … Continue reading Walpurgis Night