Fastfood Undead — Chains That Are No Longer Chains

A week and a half ago, it was announced on Dos Burritos' Facebook page that the Mendez Family had made the difficult decision to close the last location of their restaurant, which was once part of a small, local chain. Dos Burritos was founded in 1977 and, at its peak, there were locations in Downtown … Continue reading Fastfood Undead — Chains That Are No Longer Chains

Foods Invented in Los Angeles

What you are about to read could probably be considered, if you're uncharitable, a "listicle." "But wait," you say, "you hate listicles!" You are correct, and yet here I am, offering you the lowest form of clickbait -- the sort of trash one expects to read in respectable, click-driven mainstream media outlets, not this fair … Continue reading Foods Invented in Los Angeles

Pan-Asian Metropolis — Asian Chain Restaurants in Los Angeles

For the self-congratulatory members of the cult of culinary authenticity, starvation is preferable to eating at a chain restaurant. Fast food in particular, with its industrial model of production, is the profane opposite of "artisanal." The apparent mission of the chain --  to appeal to as many people as possible -- is anathema to the foodie’s pornographic fetishization … Continue reading Pan-Asian Metropolis — Asian Chain Restaurants in Los Angeles

Fastfood Undead – A Taco Bell reborn as a Thai Original BBQ

I’m not a big fan of Taco Bell, the restaurant chain founded in Downey in 1962. I’m not a fan of their food, anyway -- or the chain in general as it exists today. I am, however, a fan of the iconic architecture from the Golden Age of Fast Food (1940s-1980s) and I’m an even bigger … Continue reading Fastfood Undead – A Taco Bell reborn as a Thai Original BBQ

California Fool’s Gold Episode Guide… and links to related series

I thought that it might be useful to publish an "episode guide" of my California Fool's Gold series of explorations. When I explore a new community, I usually rely upon the vox populi which is why anyone may vote for what communities they'd like to become the subject of future articles by clicking here for Los Angeles … Continue reading California Fool’s Gold Episode Guide… and links to related series