California Fool’s Gold — Exploring Altadena, the Community of the Deodars

INTRODUCTION TO ALTADENA When people hear the disyllabic sounds, “alta” and “dena,” I would wager that most of them think of the well-known City of Industry-based Alta Dena Dairy, which was started by the three, Missouri-born Stueve Brothers in Monrovia, California in 1945. Oddly, more than five minutes of internet research hadn’t helped me figure out … Continue reading California Fool’s Gold — Exploring Altadena, the Community of the Deodars

California Fool’s Gold — A San Gabriel Valley Primer

GABRIEL'S HORN DOES SOUND -- THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Invariably when one speaks or hears of "The Valley," the valley in question is the San Fernando (despite the fact that there are at least six major and loads of minor valleys in Los Angeles County). For the same reasons that I'm mildly annoyed when people refer … Continue reading California Fool’s Gold — A San Gabriel Valley Primer